Saturday, August 4, 2007

Flames Destroy, Knowledge Rebuilds.

The political fire is lit and smoldering, factions are established and assortments of torches and Molotov Cocktails are being tossed back and forth between them. Each stands firm in their beliefs, or - much more frequently - in their parent's beliefs, their teacher's beliefs, their friends beliefs. The internet seeks to reach out a welcoming hand to young voters and bring them and their input to the forefront of political influence and so terribly few possess beliefs that are not carbon copies of those possessed by their genetic predecessors.
Youth voting is not a bad thing.
Youth voting blindly is an atrocity of the highest nature, serving only to prove that legions of young voters do little but multiply the numbers provided by the middle aged.
Now is not the time to vote along party lines; not the time to ignore the news; not the time to fail your country. Now is the time to educate yourself for the sake of education, your country and your children. No matter your age or your political beliefs. Take the time to learn what you are picketing for before you stand on the street, chanting and holding signs. Take the time to learn who you're really voting for before you make an up-and-coming bomber of the Vatican or former cocaine user president, take even more time to think before you do the same based solely on those claims.
Take the time now to teach yourself what you're doing because if you don't know now everyone might suffer later.

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